The infamous Robben Island Freedom swim is a 7.4km open water swim in the cold Atlantic waters of Cape Town, from Robben Island to Bloubergstrand. Emily Farrell and I decided earlier in the year to take on this challenge, and that we wanted to complete the crossing in bikinis (no wetsuits) to make it even more of a challenge. 12 weeks of training ensued, which involved many cold water ocean swims with our group from Cape Town Water Swim Co. as well as pool training sessions and strength training. We loved the journey leading up to the swim and made such great friends through our training group.
Read MoreAs some of you may know, Periods for Hope celebrated our fifth birthday recently. It’s crazy to think that, what started off as a project between some university friends has grown into a registered NPO that’s been able to make a difference to the lives of women and men across the Western Cape. To celebrate, we decided to update our look and revisit our mission.
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